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Phalaenopsis, known as the Moth Orchid or the Butterfly Orchid, abbreviated Phal in the horticultural trade, is an  orhcid genus of approximately 60 species. Phalaenopsis is one of the most popular orchids in the trade, through the development of many artificial hybrids.

Phalaenopsis Plant

Available in 3.5"


With its grace and elegance, the phalaenopsis is the best appearance for pure and innocence. The lanaguage of flowers varys according to its color:


White phalaenopsis: Pure love, precious friendship


Red/Purple phalaenopsis: Successful career, happily ever after


Yellow Phalaenopsis: Wish your business flourishing


Striped/Spotted Phalaenopsis: The luck with always on your side


Mini Phalaenopsis: Young and energetic

Cascade Phalaenopsis (Waterfall Design)

While supplies last. In store pick-up only.


The graceful beauty of phalaenopsis orchid is perfect for any event or decoration. With our diligent care, the Cascade Phalaenopsis comes in an impressive waterfall design, dressed with select organic substance in the pot for the optimum blooming condition.


Boutique selection comes with Fuchsin Purple or Niveous White.


Love Phalaenopsis (Heart Design)

While supplies last. In store pick-up only.


The unique combination of two spikes in one phalaenopsis plant creates this sophisticated heart design. The exquisite decoration is well-arranged and dressed with select organic substance in the pot for the optimum blooming condition.


Boutique selection comes with Lovely Purple and Pure White.

Helix Phalaenopsis (Spiral Design)

Coming soon. In store pick-up only.


This deluxe presentation of a smooth space curve in three-dimentioanl space builds up a harmonious relationship between people and nature. The bold curly design is vivid and outstanding for decoration, dressed with select organic substance in the pot for the optimum blooming condition.


Boutique selection comes with Conspicuous Purple and Spectacular White.

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